1989 Loma Prieta earthquake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia逼你和陌生人說話的咖啡機 Coffee Connector 在社交活動上認識新朋友並不總是件容易的事情,尤其當你一個人參加活動的時候,打斷別人正在進行的對話進行自我介紹會稍微有些不合時宜。 新加坡經濟發展局 Economic Development Board (EDB) 推出的社交咖啡機 CoffThe Loma Prieta earthquake was named for Loma Prieta Peak in the Santa Cruz Mountains, which lies just to the east of the mainshock epicenter. The duration of the heaviest shaking in the Santa Cruz Mountains was about 15 seconds, but strong ground motion ...