lomo diana f

Lomography Diana F+外媒報導了這麼個土豪寶寶...5個月大就帶上了勞力x表, 口含鑲鑽奶嘴..穿戴名牌首飾衣服包包... 2萬多的手工嬰兒床,上萬嬰兒車,隨便一個玩具就是幾千.... 這些都是她20歲的媽媽給予的... 媽媽表示想讓她寶寶擁有所有錢可以買到的東西. .要啥買啥,不喜歡就扔掉!有錢就是這麼任性!您家還缺女A loving Lomography homage to the cult 1960’s medium format camera When we at Lomography first encountered the Diana camera — an analogue icon of the 1960’s — we were instantly smitten. Who could resist the charms of its beautiful, lo-fi photos?...


Home » Lomography【Part.1】A:你在哪裡?B:和女朋友逛街A:晚上出來喝酒吧B:晚上我答應她看電影了A:那算啦,今天挺難過想找人出來喝酒聊天,算了你忙吧。……B:你在哪裡?剛才女朋友的姐妹們來電話,說他們晚上有活動,我不去了,你在哪裡?我去找你。——其實你不知Revolog film now available! 11.11.2014 Revolog film are handmade, special effect films made for all analogue cameras and are the perfect experimental film for your next Lomography adventure. You can now find the entire range of Revolog film here at Lomogr...


Diana – Lomography Shop 其實人在無聊的時候常常會一不小心就做了一些什麼了不得的事。 1. 廁所無聊時刻 帶隻筆,蹲個馬桶。 沒有筆就給紙編個辮子。 很擔心廁紙用完,所以。。。 2. 辦公室裡的無聊時刻 用夾子弄只恐龍, 來個蝎子 3. 學校裡的無聊時刻 鉛筆的高塔 課本塗鴉什麼的,一直是全世界學生上課無聊時的最愛。 4.The Diana F+ family features the cult Diana camera in all kinds of sizes, shapes and forms you could imagine. Take timeless and dramatic photos on 120 film with at ease. Create stunning soft-focused images and customize it with sweet lenses or even an ins...


Lomo Talk: Lomography Diana F+ Instant Back Full Review - YouTube充氣娃娃多半只是男生發洩性慾專用的工具,多半都很簡陋可能只要有洞就好了XD 但是如果娃娃做得相當精美真實....日本推出一種超真實的矽膠娃娃, 這次真的就不是用充氣的,全身上下是用軟質矽膠打造,應該用矽膠娃娃稱呼比較正確啦XD 身體特殊柔軟部位都有經過矽膠材質的調校,做出接近真人皮膚柔軟的樣子~~ If you want to do the exposures correctly with a light meter, then the cloudy aperture is f11, partly cloudy is f16 and sunny is f22. The pinhole is approximately f150. The shutter speed is 1/60th and the ISO of instax mini is ISO 800. In this video I rev...


Diana+ / Diana F+ 完全攻略(上) - Luftspiegelung in der Wüste - 樂多日誌或許看多了紅白可樂式的球鞋配色,那麽這款以薑汁汽水 Vernors 包裝為配色靈感的 New Balance 572 定會讓你耳目一新,它來自底特律潮流鞋店 Burn Rubber 與 New Balance 的又一次聯名合作。Vernors 汽水的黃綠罐身及其創始人藥劑師 James VernorDiana F+,1960/2008 「全塑膠製的Diana相機可說是六零年代的傳奇,透過她的塑膠鏡頭,你會看見像夢一樣的世界,拍攝出......
