大家第一眼看到這個比基尼辣妹都超哈她,沒想到「往下一看」男人都不敢向前搭訕 女人都崇拜到不行!
London Underground - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ▲這個比基尼辣妹的臉正到不行,可是下面讓男人都不敢向前搭訕。(source:linkbeef,下同) 大家好,我是小白兔~ 社會大眾對於網美和模特兒總是有一種莫名的崇尚和羨慕感,總覺得「人正真好」,模特兒做什麼事都是又美又快樂的,然而他們光鮮亮麗的背後又擁有多少的哀傷呢? 根據linThe London Underground (also known as the Tube or simply the Underground) is a public metro system serving a large part of Greater London and parts of the home counties of Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire and Essex. The system serves 270 stations and has 40...