The Ass You've Always Wanted - The Urban Journal_▲超噁心的對話截圖(source:Facebook、xy2下同) 高雄一名女子,日前在臉書社團「爆料公社」中po文表示自己遭到一名噁心男士騷擾,甚至傳來疑似將千萬子孫大軍遺留在自己夾腳拖的照片來示愛,還表示「妳的腳味道真的超讚」、「我把妳腳趾的位置都舔過一次」。 女子po出男子傳的對話訊息其中像是有This collection of diagrams will give you a rough idea of what the three glute muscles look like with the exception of the gluteus minimus, which is located directly beneath the gluteus medius and completely covered by the gluteus maximus. The lower part ...