Nested Do Until Loop - Wrox Programmer Forums 這個真的是上來討罵罵了! 當少奶奶沒事太閒就亂搞!在出軌的時候難道你都沒想過老公還在為你為孩子為這個家辛苦努力工作賺錢嗎? 現在為了一個沒佣人幫你才上來想問如何求老公原諒 老公沒跟你離婚還養你就很不錯了!竟然還上來抱怨 果然是日子過太爽了.. ---------------------------Hi Everyone, When I test the below given code in the immediate window of VBA Editor the innermost loop functions while the outer loop is not entered ... Welcome to the p2p.wrox.com Forums. You are currently viewing the Access VBA section of the Wrox ......