打造真正經典,DQM 攜手 VANS 推出 Square Ones 系列
lost - definition of lost by The Free Dictionary 為了“打造真正的經典”,紐約滑板類潮店DQM 在日前與VANS 攜手帶來一個Square Ones 系列。這一系列以最簡單的白色重塑了VANS 旗下多雙鞋款,並採用輕質、抗撕裂的棉質面料製成T 卹、襯衫等服飾單品,以求帶給滑板愛好者們時尚、簡約、經得起時間檢驗的裝備選擇。 這一Square Onelost (lôst, lŏst) v. Past tense and past participle of lose. adj. 1. Unable to find one's way: a lost child. 2. a. No longer in the possession, care, or control of someone or something: a lost pen. b. No longer in existence; vanished or spent: lost youth....