Lost (TV series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia作者:小燦來源:陽光燦爛的你(ID:isong01) 學做聰明的懶女人, 別當勞碌的傻女人。 文 小燦 婚姻不是一個人的無私付出,而是兩個人的共同經營。不幸的婚姻有太多種,但有不少原因都是因為:女人太精明。 女人對待生活太精明,會慣壞愛人,自己Lost is an American television drama series that originally aired on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) from September 22, 2004, to May 23, 2010, over six seasons, comprising a total of 121 episodes. Lost is a drama series containing elements of scie...