lot number 解釋

Eli桑: The number of與A number of 用法本網站除了自己寫的文章外,有時會整理網站資訊,若有不當引用請來信或留言告知,會儘快移除。 ... 1. A number of + 複數名詞 + 複數動詞 = some/或a lot of + 複數名詞 + 複數動詞 A number of cars are increasing. (一些汽車正在增加)...


Go figure - definition of go figure by The Free Dictionaryfig·ure (fĭg′yər) n. 1. a. A written or printed symbol representing something other than a letter, especially a number. b. figures Mathematical calculations: good at ... Answers on page 37 Go figure 8 The most number of wins in the Champion Stakes by a tr...


Catalyst: Maori Origins - ABC TV Science - ABC - Australian Broadcasting CorporationDid the ancestors of the Maori men and women come from different places? For the last 50 years, debate has raged over where the Maori of New Zealand people originally came from. Some say Taiwan others Indonesia. Now, their search for an answer has led to ...


Q: lots of, a lot of 和 a lot 這三者之間有何不同呢? - 英文資訊交流網A:a lot of 或 a whole lot of 和 lots of 的意思完全一樣 (意為「大量;許多」= a great quantity, number, or amount of),而用法也幾乎如出一轍,唯一的小差異是 lots of 大多用於口語;換言之,lots of 比 a lot of 要來得非正式。...
