lots of文法

Much, many, a lot of, lots of : quantifiers - English Grammar Today - Cambridge Dictionaries Online在無人的浴室裡,傳出陣陣的聊天聲。 『早知道就不要求上帝,說下輩子我想每天摸美女的頭髮!』梳子唉聲嘆道:『上輩子當個宅男就已經很不幸了!雖然這輩子可以每天撫摸美女的頭髮,但這不是我想要的。』 『是啊!我也一樣!早知道就不要要求說,想要每天和美女喇嘰(舌吻)!結果都是牙膏的味道,一點意思也沒有。』牙刷Much, many, a lot of, lots of : quantifiers - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionaries Online ... When we use much or many before articles (a/an, the), demonstratives (this, that), posses...


a lot of/lots of - English Grammar - Englisch Lernen Online - Grammatik, Vokabeln, Prüfungen, Spiel一位來自紐約的標緻女性開車至新墨西哥之荒郊野外時,車子拋錨了。這時剛好一位印地安人騎馬經過,並願意提供共騎至附近鄉鎮。於是她跳上馬一齊騎。一路騎著相安無事,除了每隔幾分鐘,那位印地安人就會發出興奮的大叫聲,大聲至聲音在山間迴響。當他們到達城鎮時,那位印地安人讓她們在當地加油站下馬,然後大叫一聲「呼」English Grammar, a lot of, lots of - Quantifiers - Materials for Teaching and Learning English ... much or many These phrases are mainly used in informal English. lots of sounds a bit more informal than a lot of. Both forms are used in singular and in plu...


Grammar, Vocabulary & Culture quizzes - Isabel's ESL Site: English as a Foreign/Second Language in S前幾天,朋友說有天晚上1:00多的時候,他的兒子發燒了,當他找出體溫計要替兒子量體溫時,才發現電子體溫計的電池沒電了,家中又沒有傳統體溫計,只得匆匆出門,要到藥房買電池。當他急忙忙的進藥房時,老闆一見他著急的臉色,還沒等他開口,立刻:「有有有!在這裡!」拿著一疊「保險套」!朋友當場愣住,過幾秒才反應Grammar In this section you may find exercises and activities of your interest. I have created them to teach my students. Some are based on authentic material: news, student writings, pages from the web, etc,. You are welcome to save or print and use them...


Basic Skill Practice Games - Jefferson County Schools, TN一個男的幫他太太向保險公司買了保險。簽約完後,男的問那個業務員:[如果我太太今天晚上死了,我可以得多少?]業務員答道:「大概二十年徒刑吧!」----------------------------------------------一對情侶吵架。女:「你每一樣東西都比不上任何人!」男:「對,尤其是女Proofreading Makes Perfect Grammar Blast Verbs Grammar Blast Adjectives & Adverbs Apostrophes Adverbs Speech Marks Commas Verb Form PowerProofreading Apostrophe Game Zoo Crew Apostrophes Prepositional Phrases The Sentence & Nouns Grammar ......


English exercises - grammar exercises - learn English online接到一通電話(是個女的,某小姐)....某小姐:謂.....請問是李X正先生嗎..(她正經八百的說)國正桑:是呀...(用一貫很溫柔的聲音回答) 某小姐:我是中和的第一銀行分行值班人員...剛剛我們在提款機附近撿到一張你的提款卡, 經我們偽卡辨識機判讀後確定這是一張偽卡。....Hundreds of free English exercises to learn english online : grammar exercises, verbs, songs and listening with videos, vocabulary . Learning English Language. English second language, English foreign language, ESL , EFL, IELTS...


GRAMMAR EXERCISES情人節到了,男朋友問女朋友:你喜歡什麼花?女朋友羞答答道: 我喜歡兩種花. 男朋友急切地問: 哪兩種? 我送給你!女朋友低頭小聲說: 有錢花和隨便花!男朋友傻傻地說: 你真美! 女朋友嫵媚地問: 我哪美?男朋友深情地說: 想得美!!!English online grammar exercises for students ... SHORT ANSWERS 1 SOME / ANY 1 WHAT'S THE TIME? 1 WORD ORDER 1 SHORT ANSWERS 2 SOME / ANY 2 WHAT'S THE TIME? 2 WORD ORDER 2 SHORT ANSWERS 3 SOME / ANY 3...
