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Love Quotes - BrainyQuote這天,電腦隨堂考,小葉拿著小抄寫得正起勁時,不幸被後面的教授給看見了…教授:「這是甚麼啊?」小葉:「虛、虛擬記憶體。」教授索性放過他。不一會ㄦ,小葉又偷瞄小抄,結果又被盯到…教授:「再犯啊?」小葉:「沒、沒啦,我正在進行cache的動作… 」教授:「不要有第Share the best love quotes collection by famous authors, poets, philosophers and more. Enjoy our Love Quote of the Day on the web, Facebook and blogs. ... Friends can help each other. A true friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself...


ELVIS BURNING LOVE - YouTube曹操坐飛機 話說有一次諸葛亮,劉備,孫權,曹操四人同乘飛機, 突然遇到緊急情況,需要跳傘逃生。 這時候才發現機上只剩下三個降落傘。 大家一陣緊張,這時只見諸葛搖搖羽毛扇清清嗓子, 說「這樣吧,山人出幾道題,能答上來的, 就跳傘,答不上來的只"Lord Almighty, I feel my temperature rising Higher higher It's burning through to my soul Girl, girl, girl You gonna set me on fire My brain is flaming I don't know which way to go Your kisses lift me higher Like the sweet song of a choir You light my mo...


I Feel Love - Donna Summer - YouTube有一天,身材一胖一瘦的阿強和小皮一起去逛街。 經過公園旁,他們看到「捐血一袋,救人一命」的捐血車, 熱心的義工正在鼓勵路人捐血,兩人於是決定也要去捐血。 上了捐血車後,兩人填好表格驗好血,就在一旁等著,護士抬起頭來看了兩人一眼, 就對小皮說:「你,兩百伍!」又對著阿強說:「那你就五百好了」,話說完後This feature is not available right now. Please try again later....


Rathergood – The Lair Of The Crab Of Ineffable Wisdom一對夫婦每週都去教堂,但丈夫每次都在聽佈道的時候睡著。妻子覺得很丟臉,就想了一個辦法。下次再去的時候,她悄悄的帶了一根針,決定一旦丈夫睡著就用針紮醒他。牧師像往常一樣開始佈道了,當他講到:『是誰創造了世界呢?』從聽眾中突然冒出一個男人的叫聲:『上帝啊!』牧師沒有理會,心想這個傢伙真的以為大家都不知道The Guru answers all questions on any issue whatsoever. Includes shockwave games and links....


Mount Hira | Learn Quran, Ayatul Kursi, Surah Yasin阿強總是喜歡在課堂上睡覺。一天,老師再也忍耐不住,把昏睡中的阿強叫醒,並問他:「龜兔賽跑中,你知道兔子為什麼會輸嗎?」「不知道!」阿強睡眼惺忪地回答。「因為兔子在打瞌睡!」老師生氣的說。「喔!我明白了!」阿強若有所悟......「原來沒打瞌睡的全是烏龜啊!」All praise to our Lord for giving us the vision, the ability and the energy to create this site. We aim to create a learning website which makes it easy for people to learn and memorise important verses, which can benefit us all in our life...for protecti...


Love - definition of love by The Free Dictionary我是如何成為結婚狂的...... 2001年年初我認識一男子,交往半年,他說:我們結婚吧。我甚喜。 第二天,中國申辦2008年奧運會成功,他說:國喜當前,我們先不結婚。 我忍。 過數月,男友說:親愛的,我們結婚吧。我再喜。 第二天,911恐怖襲擊事件。他說:世界太危險了,我們先不結婚。 我再忍。 數love (lŭv) n. 1. A strong feeling of affection and concern toward another person, as that arising from kinship or close friendship. 2. A strong feeling of affection and concern for another person accompanied by sexual attraction. 3. a. A feeling of devoti...
