英國車廠 MINI 展示 Clubman 概念車款
Mod The Sims - *Testers Wanted* 12 new Cas Sliders *Remake* .. [ Eye Width , Neck Height , Shoulder 日內瓦車展上各家車廠紛紛使出渾身解數,英國製造商MINI 也展示了最新概念車款 Clubman,設計出更多的內部空間,另外還包括在外部進氣格柵和特色的六門掀背車空氣動力學車體,內裝更以智能設備取勝。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUKSY.com;JUKSY官方粉絲團。如欲轉載,I'd love to try out your sliders too, Base! I'm always downloading sliders and having a go at them - for instance, I have recently downloaded your muscle slider, which is mighty cool by the way ; don't be afraid... We players can always use more variety i...