lover - definition of lover by The Free Dictionary最近在網路PTT的男女版,引來不少網友討論,關於「另一半在酒吧工作」的話題。 起因是有名網友貼文發問,其內容大概是朋友的女朋友找到了一份新工作,內容是晚上去酒吧工作,只要陪客人聊天及倒酒,時薪竟然就有250元以上,而儘管男友拒絕,女友還是偷偷跑去工作,兩人並因此發生爭執,而眼見兩人遲遲無法解決事情,lov·er (lŭv′ər) n. 1. a. One who loves another, especially one who is involved in a romantic or sexual relationship with another. b. lovers A couple who are in love with each other. 2. One who is fond of or devoted to something: a lover of fine food. lov′...