low k laser grooving

Laser grooving technique for dicing nanoscale low-k wafer  河神真是忙阿 比牛仔還忙!!                                     &nLaser grooving technique for dicing nanoscale low-k wafer Hsiang-Chen Hsu and Shih-Jeh Wu Professor Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering ... • Ultra-short Pulse Laser - Material Interaction Energy transfer from (pulsed) laser light to elect...


Ultrafast Laser Grooving For Current and Next-Generation Materials這到底是什麼卡通造型蛋糕~~~Ultrus: maintain high die-break strength and minimize heat-affected zones to deliver production throughput without risk of damage to the underlying device. ... Ultrafast laser grooving solution for next-generation low-K materials and thin wafers. The Ultr...


Laser e.ppt [ ݊ [ h]) - Disco Corporation 昨天麥當當吃東西的時候發現,對面的玻璃裡看到一個店鋪的名字居然叫"屎味"!? 困惑了很久才發現,原來是反光了,轉頭看店?,原來叫...."和氣" Delamination (film peeling) can be a problem with blade dicing of wafers with low-k film. Laser grooving, which has no mechanical load, can be used to achieve high-quality processing with minimal delamination, thereby contributing to higher productivity. ...


Product Information | Fully Automatic Laser saw - DISCO Corporation不多說了,默默的支持小齊。A processing method for full cutting or full grooving in which solids are vaporized or sublimated by focusing laser energy on an extremely small area for a very short ... This is a dicing method that forms a modified layer in the workpiece, by focusing a ...


Electro Scientific Industries - Official Site 哈哈超帥XDSemiconductor Manufacturing Wafer processing solutions that enable you to maintain high-volume production, even when incorporating new materials such as low-k dialectrics and thin wafers, without sacrificing yield. Wafer scribing, dicing, marking and memo...
