Technical Glossary | Applied Materials DEVELOPMENT 原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:賴瞳妍 哈囉萌友們, 又到了來瞧瞧妹子萌點的時候了! 台灣男生一般來說不意外的話, 都是由D槽的滿滿11區櫻花妹陪伴著長大的吧 (哪裡長大), 日本的紳士程度全世界眾所周知, 大概也只有這個神奇的國度能將變態發揮到創意滿點、淋漓盡致(褒的意味), A number used to compare performance of gate dielectric materials by indicating how thick a silicon oxide film would need to be to produce the same effect as the dielectric material being used. A number used to compare performance of high-k dielectric MOS...