Low-light camera comparison between the Samsung Galaxy S6 edge, Galaxy S5, iPhone 6, and HTC One M8我和男友的感情一直很好,但他性格屬於開朗型的。上週六他因公司出差去上海,晚上我們上網聊完後準備睡覺了。晚上一個人睡不著,想找他開個玩笑,因為我依稀記得他電話裡告訴過我他住的酒店名稱和房間號。於是我起床在網上搜了一下酒店的電話,沒有想到搜出來了。於是我打電話到總臺,叫總臺把電話接通了。真的是他,我很興We simply can't take enough of this low-light camera setup, so we took a few other phones and we returned! This time around, we took an iPhone 6, an HTC One M8, a Galaxy S5, and, of course, one of the more interesting and well-designed Android flagship of...