Lamborghini x Air Jordan 4 藍寶堅尼超跑概念 : Lowepro SlingShot 102 AW : Camera Cases : Camera & Photo 這邊除了玩鞋的朋友,應該也有喜歡研究車的讀者,那各位知道Lamborghini有一台全球唯一的超跑「Sesto Elemento」嗎?全車999公斤且全使用碳纖維材質打造,就是那台! 此雙Air Jordan 4就是模仿那台「Sesto Elemento」超跑外觀來設計,車背六孔一排的進氣孔、碳纖The next-generation of the SlingShot AW series builds on the inventive design of its predecessor and incorporates enhanced features based on suggestions from some of our customers - also known as big fans of this original camera sling bag. Created to go f...