女神慘變歐巴桑! 藤原紀香面容憔悴美貌不再
Lowepro SlingShot 200 AW - Amazon.com: Online Shopping for Electronics, Apparel, Computer今年42歲,曾是日本性感女神的藤原紀香,為了宣傳時隔4年演出的電視劇《海上診療所》,日前到傑尼斯偶像團體嵐主持的綜藝節目《VS嵐》做客,但才現身就被網友酸翻,形容一頭短髮的她,面容憔悴美貌不再,「如同是一個上了年紀的歐巴桑」! ▲▼藤原紀香上節目宣傳新戲遭日本網友酸歐巴桑 其實早在《海上診療所》10•Important Product Information: Lowepro packs and bags with the AW (All-Weather Cover) designation include the item inside the pack, typically in the bottom or back in a zippered or Velcro-secured pocket. If you are experiencing difficulty locating it, fe...