Parallel port - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 一位網名叫sachina的媽媽,是個非常幸運的女人。她結婚不久後,就懷上了雙胞胎,生下兩個萌帥萌帥的兒子。 不過這位全職媽媽很快就被家裡「全是男人」的現實打擊了,兒子們會和爸爸嘀嘀咕咕玩遊戲,卻不願意和媽媽安安靜靜待幾分鐘。 她和老公商量之後,決定再生一胎,要是能生個乖If there is an unused slot, the port addresses of the others are moved up. (For example, if a port at 0x3BC does not exist, the port at 0x378 will then become the first logical parallel port.) [10] The base address 0x3BC is typically supported by printer ...