美國潮流品牌複合式專櫃HOPES旗艦店 引爆西門商圈
LPT Port Test Utility - Software Informer. It is also a very handy utility during your LPT port deve 她從小就是崇洋族一員, 十多年前隻身移民美國, 當時No money, No honey, No English的她深知美國居, 大不易, 但以樂觀和懷抱希望的態度活出美國夢。 她在當時住的社區開了一家服飾店, 那家店取名為「HOPES」。 如果你去過她的辦公室, 你一定會看到這張「我們能做到!」LPT Port Test Utility (LPTTestUtility.exe). With this utility and the corresponding hardware, you are able to test the proper working of the LPT port of your computer. It is also a very handy utility during your LPT port development activities. The LPT Te...