NISSAN「X-TRAIL經典特仕版」限量300台!安全配備全新升級 新增熱門便利配件 優惠方案同
USB to Parallel Bi-Directional Cable | Computer Connectivity Specialty Products | Connectivity | IT isCar! NISSAN X-TRAIL自去年5月重返國產SUV戰場以來,以全方位防護、旗艦級舒適與全新世代「超玩美」姿態震撼市場,受到廣大消費者青睞與肯定,裕隆日產汽車為感謝消費者支持,自即日起推出限量300台安全與便利全面升級進化的NISSAN 「X-TRAIL經典特仕版」! 包含全新升級配備Parallel printer ports have disappeared from most modern desk top computers and virtually all new notebook computers. This is not a problem if you have a USB printer, but many people still want to use their parallel printer or other parallel port devices ...