USB to Parallel Bi-Directional Cable | Computer Connectivity Specialty Products | Connectivity | IT 讓你搶我老公,看我不打死你! 大陸瓊海一名16歲的「妻子」回到與「丈夫」合租的房間取物品時,發現自己17歲的「丈夫」小林居然和一名14歲的初中生小文在親熱,隨後兩人在愛海中路一家湘菜館前扭打起來,但很快被市民拉開。 據知情者介紹,16歲的女孩小琴和17歲的男孩小林生育了一個女孩,剛滿月不久。 目擊者Parallel printer ports have disappeared from most modern desk top computers and virtually all new notebook computers. This is not a problem if you have a USB printer, but many people still want to use their parallel printer or other parallel port devices ...