USB to LPT/Parallel in windows XP - Forums - CNET Dcard 原文:吵架後 記得笑著和好 (文長)剛剛在電話中跟男友吵架我淡漠的說 很晚了 你先睡吧他說不行 必須把事情解決如果沒有解決 那就像以前一樣可是我不願坦承 也無法坦誠沒辦法迅速的轉變像沒吵過架於是我們繼續著冰冷的對談直到把所有不滿都吐出來那現在沒事了嗎 ? 他問解決了 但也沒很Wondering if anybody have a solution to this one: I have a usb docking station that has parallel port as one of the ports and I also tried USB to parallel cable. USB to parallel port Usually windows XP add a USB printing service and doesn't show virtual L...