男人夠悶騷 !女人無處可逃!分析的太好了 ...萬人瘋傳!(歡迎分享)
lsass.exe Windows process - What is it? - Neuber software: prozess viewer, security task manager, fo “悶騷”是壹種情感收斂,可能是天生性格使然,也可能由後天經曆造就。先天內斂的男人通常都“太有才”,招聰明、活潑或者愛冒險的女人喜歡。男人後天的內斂,壹方面是挫折和覺悟使他們逐漸意識到“沈默是金”和“大音希聲&rdqThe lsass.exe process is part of Local security authentication server of Microsoft. Here are further details of lsass.exe, and whether it might be a virus or spyware. ... Process name: Local security authentication server Product: Windows Company: Microso...