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Least significant bit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 本文授權自卡提諾論壇,請勿抄襲 原文標題:蒼井空素顏曝光!「全裸泡澡」意外送好康 完全不像35歲...網驚:可以再戰十年! 前陣子無碼片流出很紅的蒼井空,素顏照也跟著流出啦~不過素顏照是他自己流出的啦(圖/推特)看素顏那麼嫩的樣子,完全感覺不出是個35歲的熟女啊說20出Unsigned integer example This table illustrates an example of of decimal value of 149 and the location of LSB. In this particular example, the position of unit value (decimal 1 or 0) is located in bit position 0 ( n=0). MSB stands for Most Significant Bit...