LSI SAS 2308 HBA and SSD in Windows Server 2012 Write Cache On or OFF? Dcard 原文:為甚麼交往以後就要放棄朋友我是僑生,不是臺灣人。我不懂為甚麼臺灣女生交男朋友以後就會把整個社交圈縮小,從此跟所有男性友人斷交,世界只圍著男朋友轉,反之亦然。我知道還是有獨立自主的女生存在,但那只是少數。我交過一任臺灣男友,追我的時候就知道我的社交圈很廣。我很愛交朋友,而且男性好友The strange thing here is that there has not been a lot by way of driver updates since the end of May. Certainly not around the release of Windows Server 2012 nor Windows 8. Write Cache On Versus Off with a SSD on a LSI SAS 2308 and Write Through Mode in ...