lsi logic

LSI Corporation - Official Site 人生的過程Unlock Storage Performance Storage requirements keep growing, driven by the latest servers, solid state drives and data-hungry applications. LSI 12Gb/s SAS solutions help maximize storage throughput, delivering the performance needed for environments of a...


LSI Corporation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 好喜歡喔~也太可愛了吧!!LSI Corporation was an electronics company based in San Jose, California that designed semiconductors and software that accelerate storage and networking in datacenters, mobile networks and client computing.[2][3][4] On May 6, 2014, LSI Corporation was ac...


Download Search - LSI Corporation Home Page ㄟㄟㄟ,你們好合群喔~~LSI is now an Avago Technologies company Support downloads and documentation for LSI products can still be found using this web page. For support with Avago Technologies products, please visit the Avago Technologies support page. Secure Assets If you ......


LSI公司 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 一群是在講祕密還是打牌?LSI Corporation(LSI公司)是一家總部位於美國加利福尼亞州聖荷西的電子公司,其主要業務是設計ASIC、主機匯流排適配器、RAID適配器、存儲系統和計算機網路產品。公司在台灣使用中文名為「美商艾薩股份有限公司」,其在中國上海的分公司名為「艾薩華 ......


LSI Logic-電子工程專輯 看清楚點好嗎,放我出去!!電子工程專輯提供相關LSI Logic技術文章及相關LSI Logic新聞趨勢,及更新最新相關LSI Logic電子產品技術. ... 2006-11-13 轉型成功 LSI Logic力攻儲存與消費市場 在歷經一波重大轉型後,目前已成為無晶圓廠的LSI Logic也將重比從過去幾乎涵蓋所有產業需求,轉型 ......
