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Do you know expiry rules for your airline miles? 圖片來源(左圖為示意圖與本文無關) 大家失戀的時候往往都會跟朋友訴苦 希望可以跟朋友聊聊天 但是其實失戀的人有些話是真的不會想聽到的 甚至可以說是廢話 ~~~~~以下為原文~~~~~ 標題: 失戀的人最不想聽到 1.「我真的不知道他有什麼值得妳這麼難過的」   在認為被對方不痛不癢的拋下There is nothing more frustrating than finding your miles have expired when you come to use them. Let's look at the policies for major programmes. ... $100 for 50k miles sounds like a good deal to me, if United were selling them for that price everyone wo...


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