Leicatime Luigi Crescenzi : leica cameras leica compur mp elmar 250 reporter leicavit10月31日,FCA(Fiat Chrysler Automobiles)與PSA(Peugeot Société Anonyme)集團正式發佈公告,向全世界宣布兩者將進行合併,而且以50:50持股各半的方式整合旗下業務,若以2018年全球汽車銷售量統計,兩者合併之後,隨即以870萬輛的成績,成為全OUR GRATEFUL GREETINGS TO ALL YOU, KIND VISITORS ! ...A my grateful THANK YOUto the many, friendly customers, that are still purchasing my original Luigi's cases, despite so many (poor) copies offered around, often at ridicously low prices ! They ......