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Lulu - The Final Fantasy Wiki - 10 years of having more Final Fantasy information than Cid could res●時尚運動外觀 ●完善的主被動安全 ●實用省油的2.0升柴油 ●建議售價 126.9萬元 ●國內上市日期 2015/8 於2014年年底重返國內市場的Kia,在當時便預計規劃Morning與Carens兩款國產車,及Optima與Soul進口車,而這些車款也在今年中陸續推出,唯獨原先計畫中的SUV車Lulu, also called Lu by Wakka, is a playable character in Final Fantasy X who also appears in... ... Lulu berating Wakka for his interest in Tidus. What are you doing here? Didn't think we'd be able to handle it? —Lulu's opening lines to Wakka...