Nokia Lumia 820 - Windows Phone with Wireless Charging - Nokia 話說,美國網友在最近又被狠狠地震了一次三觀, 理由是下面這對兒.... 一對情侶加一個閨蜜? 不,不..... 是三人情侶,三人!! 故事要從12年前說起... 那年,19歲的活力少女Cristina去美國的弗吉尼亞州參軍, 恰好遇見了25歲的Benno,兩人一見鍾情.Choose a Wireless Charging Shell for your Nokia Lumia 820 and you’ll never need to plug it in again. Once the shell is in place, just rest it on a charging plate – or the Charging Pillow by Fatboy – to boost the battery....