Luna 2 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 三十而立,這雖然是古代的說法,但是現在依舊適用,有人盤點了三十歲男人還不結婚的原因,你中槍了幾個? 三十歲男人不結婚的原因1.有太大的生活壓力 現代社會,主要的壓力除了來自工作,就是來自生活,面對婚姻的挑戰,並不是簡單的交個朋友那麼簡單,需要解決房子、車子等一係列現實的問題,而這些生活的壓力足可以Luna 2 (E-1A series) was the second of the Soviet Union's Luna programme spacecraft launched to the Moon. It was the first spacecraft to reach the surface of the Moon, and the first man-made object to land on another celestial body.[1] On September 14, 19...