真實爆笑 太好笑了
How to Install an M.2 SSD in the Lenovo ThinkPad T440s>小弟前幾天到一家自助餐吃飯>我生性節檢.只夾ㄌ2.3樣菜.共40元>心想還滿便宜ㄉ.就找了ㄍ位子開始享用>才吃沒幾口.旁邊就來了1ㄍ胖子(長的很像戎祥)>他就坐我旁邊吃了起來>我看到他餐盤裡ㄉ菜.哇~~好豐富喔>有雞腿.炸排骨.滷蛋.....等等一大堆菜>看他好像很餓.馬上狼吞虎嚥起來吃的很快>一When you think of notebooks with two storage drives, you probably imagine a bulky 17-inch system you can barely carry. However, a number of lightweight laptops, including the 14-inch, 3.6-pound Lenovo ThinkPad T440s, have M.2 (formerly known as mSATA) slo...