宣示戰力Skoda Vision S Concept
Foreign Policy - Official Site 瞄準火熱的SUV市場,除了Yeti此跨界代表以外,Skoda需要更多的生力軍,於2016年日內瓦車展現身的Vision S Concept,除了預覽新世代車型的設計語彙之外,更表明了Skoda早已準備好的企圖心。 Vision S Concept展現極高量產成熟度,未來導入市場後將擔任品牌切入中型The legendary race's long history of thugs, drugs, and cheating. Benjamin Soloway Benjamin Soloway is an editorial assistant at Foreign Policy. He worked previously in Indonesia as a web editor and Princeton in Asia journalism fellow at the Jakarta Globe....