來自未來的無人駕駛車輛,奔馳 F 015 Luxury in Motion 概念車亮相 CES 20
M16 rifle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia如果無人駕駛正是未來汽車的發展方向,那麽如何獲知對方車輛是否有人操控,對於開車的人而言應該是非常重要的事情。而奔馳此次在 CES 2015 大展帶來的全新 F 015 Luxury in Motion 概念車,就用車燈顏色完成這個任務——前後車燈亮起白光代表有人駕駛、藍光則為The M16 rifle, officially designated Rifle, Caliber 5.56 mm, M16, is the United States military select-fire adaptation of the AR-15 rifle. The rifle was adapted for semi-automatic and full-automatic fire.[6][7] Colt purchased the rights to the AR-15 from ...