BMW M20 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia澳洲一男子散步時撿到巨型藍寶石重753克拉 兩名加拿大背包客拿著這塊藍寶石相當興奮(圖片來源:ABC)重達753克拉的藍寶石。 據澳大利亞《新快報》2月20日報導,澳大利亞昆州Emerald一個名叫“寶石地”(Gemfields)的地方有一名男子無意中撿到一塊石The BMW M20 is a straight-six SOHC piston engine produced from 1977-1993. It was released in the 1977 in the E12 520/6 and E21 320/6 and began to be phased out following the introduction of the M50 engine in 1990. Like the larger capacity M30 engine it is...