m23, the OpenSource software deployment and management system for Linux / m23, das quelloffene Softw 相信大家一定都很熟悉這個鏡頭!伴隨著BGM,總是會迎來一次次激動人心的進化!小編整理了看《數碼寶貝》第一部時覺得最燃的10次進化!一起來跟著小編回顧一下童年吧! TOP10亞古獸進化 ——暴龍獸 剛來到數碼寶貝世界的孩子們被才被古加獸打落懸崖,這頭又被貝殼獸攻擊 (圖片翻攝Integration of existing clients into m23 Existing Debian-based systems (Debian, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu) can be assimilated into the m23 system easily and are then administered like a normal client that was installed with m23. Only the specification of t...