m43 lens lineup

Nikon debuts lighter 18-300mm F3.5-6.3 to DX lens lineup: Digital Photography Review 年僅17歲的遊戲女主播近日選擇了「夫妻檔直播」的方式吸引網友,將攝像頭對準了自家的床,除了秀恩愛之外還以一些不太雅觀的方式向玩家展示著未滿18歲休學同居的生活,並在直播結束前並且向觀眾暗示之後的事情。   Nikon has unveiled the AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-300mm F/3.5-6.3 ED VR (27-450mm equivalent). It doesn't replace that company's existing 18-300mm lens, rather it's a third of a stop slower at the long end and 30% lighter, weighing 19.4 ounces. The new 18-300mm .....


Four Thirds | Micro Four Thirds | Products(Lenses)  大鬍子一向給人男人味十足的印象,如果稍加修整,搭配得宜的髮型和裝扮,就能輕鬆變身型男 ;  然而如果粗礦風格的蓄鬍造型加上聖誕節裝飾,一般人可能很難想像,但這個有趣的點子就讓倫敦廣告公司Grey London的兩位大男孩想到了。   Mike Kennedy 和 P*THE CONTENTS OF THIS LISTING, E.G. MODEL NAME, SPECIFICATIONS, AVAILABILITY BY AREAS, ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE, ACCORDING TO EACH MANUFACTURER'S DECISION. THEREFORE, PLEASE CONTACT RESPECTIVE ......


Olympus Lens Cap 15mm f/8 - Review / Cap TestNEW BALANCE全台最大LIGHTHOUSE指標店將於12/13(六)在高雄新崛江商圈盛大開幕!全棟共3層樓、占地150坪的新店面,採用品牌國際同步之全新設計理念,包含Running, Women, Life Style以及Field of Play的全新流行商品,歐美運動時尚一次到Olympus Lens Cap 15mm f/8 Review ... Review by Klaus Schroiff, published June 2013 Introduction Looking at the name of the thing, it may be debatable whether you've just started reading a review of a lens ... or a lens cap....


Olympus 9mm f/8 Fisheye Lens Cap - Review / Lens Test Report什麼樣的男性生會吸引你?開香檳、喝紅酒、還是開跑車?現在的女性自主權當道,沒人愛聽那些炫富的事蹟,反而對於懂生活情趣、愛體驗生活樣貌的男性,會讓女生心理偷偷打勾加分。自行車界的型男老闆Alex,跟他聊單車好像在體驗國外的生活,也讓他的單車成為潮流人士的單車愛牌,但他其實是個喜歡櫻花護唇膏的男子,女孩Review by Klaus Schroiff, published August 2014 Introduction A while ago we reviewed the Olympus 15mm f/8 Lens Cap but, honestly, we weren't all that impressed. After all, there are several available pancake lenses around this focal length so there is a r...


New Canon 50mm f/1.8 STM Lens is a More Video-Focused Version of the Cheapest Prime in Their Lineup 很多人應該都有在網路上購物的經驗吧,尤其每當購物節的時候,更是搶便宜的好時機,而且看到下殺幾折或是限定幾個之類的標語,總是會忍不住想買,淘寶網更推出了1111購物節來吸引廣大買主。所以現在的1111,不僅是光棍節,更是購物狂的天堂節日,但是其實,這天還是快遞公司一年當中最崩潰的日子,就算說是快遞先Canon's low-cost 50mm lens just got an update with some refinements aimed at those shooting video. ... "While it's often called the nifty fifty, once you get it on APS-C (or Super 35mm) sized sensors, it's a lot less exciting as the focal length is a bit ...


Thom's m4/3 Bag | Sans Mirror — mirrorless, interchangeable lens cameras | Thom Hogan   每個節慶加上蛋糕的點綴則更有過節氣氛,聖誕節除了各種點燈、聖誕樹的畫面之外,如果再買個精緻的聖誕蛋糕,與三五好友一起慶祝這個溫馨的節日,完全可以度過開心的一天 ; 但如果買的蛋糕長以下這副模樣,還會有人覺得聖誕節溫馨嗎?     ▼聖誕老人看起來根本是惡魔&helThom Hogan's m4/3 camera bag contents ... sans Mirror News/Views Big Fujifilm Firmware Update Why Do People Really Buy Mirrorless Cameras? Sony Announces the A7r Mark II 2015 News/Views...
