Full Frame vs. APS-C and Micro Four Thirds, and What Crop Factor Actually Means | Pro Photo Supply B原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:夜冥風 經典動畫名偵探柯南我相信各位萌友一定都認識 但是有想過說裡面這麼多人物,到底是誰最聰明呢? 相信看完這篇的你們一定會驚呼!怎麼會是他! 第10名 FBI成員成員之一,個性酷酷的他相當的聰明 與茱蒂一樣是詹姆士的手下 假死後偽裝成沖矢昴以逃避Generally, lenses in the 45mm-55mm range (on full frame) are considered “normal.” A 23mm lens on APS-C will be a roughly 35mm full frame equivalent, which is a little wider than normal. When comparing to human eyesight, our angle of view is actually much ...