【性愛十誡】 提醒您 嘿咻最怕這樣做,有夠「掃性」!
Apple - OS X Yosemite - Mac App Store Images Source: maxresdefault 情到濃時,咻~的滑進去了是很正常的,但為什麼有時候咻~一下又跑粗乃惹呢?(以上說的都是摩鐵啦XDDD)DailyView告訴你:超掃性的嘿咻十誡!令人抓狂的掃「性」行為10 嫌棄/擔心身材誠實固然是種美德,但選在炒飯前後The Mac App Store is built into OS X Yosemite, so it’s easy to get the apps you want. It’s just one click to download and install. ... Keep your apps up to date. Since developers are constantly improving their apps, the Mac App Store keeps track of your a...