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Free Screensavers and Wallpaper | Free Screensavers        有個傢伙喝個爛醉後開車回家,途中被一台警車攔下警察要測他酒精,他卻吐了警察一身。 隨後路旁發生了車禍,這個警察就跑去處理,要他乖乖站在原地。 他想:「我幹嘛要聽你的。」就開車回去了 第二天中午,那個警察跑過來找他說:「先生,昨天你酒醉駕駛。」 Free Animated Wallpapers/Screensavers for Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7. Easy Setup without Installation. This wallpaper is a standalone media file and does not require installation. You can set it on your desktop with just one mouse click....


Wallpaper (computing) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia有一天,小花遇到小明,發現小明2隻眼睛受傷了,小花問小明原因,小明說:「我在路上看到一個女生的裙子飛起來,就幫她拉下,結果被打。」小花問:「那另外一隻眼睛呢?」小明說:「我以為她不喜歡,所以我又幫她拉起來,結果被揍另一拳。」小花:「......」。A wallpaper or background (also known as a desktop wallpaper, desktop background, desktop picture or desktop image on computers) is a digital image (photo, drawing etc.) used as a decorative background of a graphical user interface on the screen of a comp...


Desktop Wallpaper | Boston Celtics - NBA.com噴火龍和水劍龜再決鬥,噴火龍用噴射火焰水劍龜用水槍 請問碰撞一起會變甚麼?答案就是 水蒸氣Desktop Wallpaper Show your Celtics pride! Just follow the directions at the bottom of the page, and you can add any of the following Celtics images to your desktop! Select wallpapers now featuring 1920x1080 resolution for widescreen monitors. All photos ...


Apple - Downloads一個外國人在買電影票時排在一個國中生後面, 售票小姐因為不會說英文, 就請站在前面的國中生告訴後面的外國人說: 「現在只剩站票, 看他要不要買。」 國中生就對外國人說, 「No seat, you see no see? if see, stand see.」 (沒位子了,你看不看?如果要看,站著看The hottest downloads on ... Browse and download thousands of apps for your Mac — from your Mac. Shop for apps by category, read user reviews, and buy apps in one simple step....


Desk Ornaments - The Original Macintosh麗沙參加一個舞會,在舞廳裡由於沒有舞伴,只好乾坐著。無聊極了,這時走來一個瀟灑的男士,麗沙高興極了。 那男子問道:「小姐,您要跳舞嗎?」 麗沙連忙站起很有禮貌地說:「謝謝,要的。」 「好極了。」那男土說,「我可以坐坐你的椅子了。」 One of the first architectural decisions that Bud and I made for the Macintosh system software in the spring of 1981 was that we were only going to try to run one application at a time. We barely had enough RAM or screen space to do even that, and we thou...


Digital Blasphemy - Official Site鄰居的狗生了一窩小狗。 鄰居的丈夫非常討厭這些小狗,想把它們賣了,但就是賣不掉。鄰居的丈夫敦促道:「快登廣告將小狗賣了,它們不走我就走!」 鄰居於是登了下面的廣告:「我的先生說小狗不走他就走。小狗肥胖可愛,血統純正。先生則肥胖粗魯,血統不純。兩者任君選擇。」 Hi-res original 3d-rendered computer desktop wallpapers. The public gallery images are free to use as your personal desktop wallpaper. ... What is Digital Blasphemy?? Nothing too sinister. Just my personal gallery of high resolution original 3D artwork, e...
