MacRumors' Mac Blog: Mac Apps, News and Rumors酒醉男子 一個酒鬼一天上街買酒喝,忽然他瞥見街角一家酒店 貼著一張:只要完成三個難題就可免費喝一年的酒的 告示,酒鬼見機不可失,便進去向酒保詢問;"你要 向三個難題挑戰啊?好吧!首先,你必須一口氣喝掉 這杯加滿胡椒的龍舌蘭。第二,我們後院有一隻河馬 牙齒痛很久了,你必須幫牠拔牙。第三,看到對面的公 Following Wednesday's release of OS X 10.10.3 and the new Photos for OS X app, Apple has, as promised, removed Aperture and iPhoto from the Mac App Store. Apple warned that development would stop on the two photo editing apps in the middle of last year .....