Professional Lighting Control. Now on OSX. (Chameleon : Mac Lighting Software)在吵雜的倫敦街頭上,著名的倫敦騎士橋(Knightsbridge)總是人滿為患,更是充滿著許多有錢人及上流人士,說是炫富一點也不為過;每到夏季,就會有很多價值不斐的高檔名車和超跑,在這條優美的街道上來回穿梭,路過的行人都目不暇給。 但是,一位俄羅斯女性卻在這場吸睛大賽中,完全撂倒其他人的高檔名車,因Download now and try for free Flexible licensing: buy the channels you need now and add more later Used by lighting professionals and hobbyists worldwide Built from the ground up for Mac OSX for unbeatable performance and stability. New features are being...