Mounting the EFI Boot Partition on Mac OS X - The Mac Admin 日子清淡,只是無力追趕於時間的步伐,那種沒有停歇的奔忙和追逐無數人竟相趕跑的狀態。未曾匆匆回眸就已經失之交臂,行行色色地走馬觀花而過,在洶湧的人群裡擁擠忙碌,朝各自的軌跡跑去。那些曾經在身邊一起行走的人,如今已流轉四方,成為我生命之外的影像。&Thank you! This helped me get rid of that pesky file Ubuntu put in my EFI partition when I installed (then unfortunately removed because the network card wasn’t detected) Ubuntu Linux on my brand new Mac mini 6,2. I was going to buy some expensive softwar...