Paragon ExtFS for Mac OS X - Overview | PARAGON Software Group - partition software, partitioning fo (source:Dcard,下同) 如果在男生心情不好的時候,女生送上一組「貼圖說故事」絕對會讓男生從谷底重生! 有一名男網友在Dcard分享自己因為剛考完一科期中考,女友為了慰勞他,竟然用貼圖開始說起故事來!他覺得效果拔群,特地上來分享給網友看看。 ▼女友開始表演遇到ExtFS for Mac OS X - get full read and write access on Ext partions under Mac OS X ... Features Benefits Easy to install The driver is easily installed through a user-friendly wizard Easy to use Mount any Ext2, Ext3, Ext4 drives like it is part of the nat...