fn key always on? | Apple Support Communities嗨嗨,大家好,我是A小姐(・´з`・) 之前有為大家介紹過日本最流行!女孩「裸體」穿「露背毛衣」會是什麼模樣?居然最後還有人「穿反」了!超性感啊! ▼不少女孩都跟上這股風潮,換上這件毛衣拍照。不過....這位的照片可就驚人了! (source:Oshima_Kaoru)本文下圖皆出自同處Macbook Pro 1.86, Mac OS X (10.4.5), Best. Laptop. EVER I have this question too Show 0 Likes (0) Link to this post Level 2 ... I have a similar problem but for me it's like the fn key is always off. If I leave the Control Panel checkbox for F keys unchec...