Susan Kare - User Interface Graphics - Apple Mac Icons 貓,是一種用哈欠藏匿咆哮的動物。 世間動物千萬,而我獨喜歡貓。 話說,越南這隻穿着華服的網紅貓咪,想必大家並不陌生,它總是一副玩世不恭的boss姿態,「監督」着它主人的工作,仿佛在說: 「小心,朕打下的天下。」 喵:感不感動? Susan Kare User Interface Graphics is a digital design practice in San Francisco, California. Since 1983, Kare has designed thousands of icons for the world’s leading software companies. She began her career at Apple, Inc. as the screen graphics and digit...