mac jre folder 【殺價中的5個潛規則】1.絕不先開價,誰先開誰先死。2.絕不接受對方的起始條件,誰接受誰吃虧。3.殺價必須低於對方預期目標,不殺是傻子。4.聞之色變法,讓對方感到他的要價太嚇人了。5.選擇隨時準備走人,逼迫對方倉促下決定。週末逛街想買東西的朋友可以試試!由於此網站的設置,我們無法提供該頁面的具體描述。...

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java - Eclipse: The specified JRE installation does not exist - Stack Overflow  其實...我看不懂誒QQI used to have Eclipse configured well and work fine before. But I just uninstalled it and installed Eclipse Juno again on my Mac OS 10.10 today. But I kept getting this error: "The specified JRE d... ... The problem is generally related to project or plu...
