mac mobilesync backup

how to move MobileSync backup folder? | Apple Support Communitiessafe!! I have an iPod touch 4g and a MacBook. At the moment I have a 40Gb boot SSD and a 500Gb HDD in my laptop. ... \Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\AppleC~1\MobileSync "D:\Backup\MobileSync" -s The command will have created an ...


如何防止 iPhone / iPad 的備份塞爆 C 槽? | 硬是要學 - 最貼近您的專業 3C 資訊、手機評測網站no.... ... iPhone/iPad 和 iTunes 的時候,並沒有把 Windows 系統的操作習慣考量在內,而是直接把原本在 Mac ... 把裡面的 MobileSync 資料夾移動到其他的槽去(圖中範例是搬到 H 槽的 "iPad 備份" 資料夾)。注意!...


how to move MobileSync backup folder? | Apple Support CommunitiesHi Stefan. Yes this is the iTunes for Mac forum, but sometimes questions end up in the wrong place or there is some crossover. You should be able to relocate the MobileSync/Backup folder using a junction as described elsewhere. As a PC user I don't have a...
