Microsoft Office for Mac | Office For Mac -------------------------------靠北男友原文:靠北我那無緣的前男友,就叫他 睡魔 吧。我和 睡魔交往三個多月,熱戀期大約只有一個多禮拜, 他的嗜睡魔性就顯露無遺熱戀的一個禮拜中,他禮拜天放假我們還會看電影或是隨處逛逛, 可惜好景不長...沒多久, 睡魔下班後來找我,一All of the Microsoft Office software you love on the Mac. Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Outlook on the Mac OS. ... Office 365 goes where you go Office 365 gives you the power and flexibility to get things done from virtually ......