Microsoft Remote Desktop Apps for iOS, Mac OS X, and Android available for download - Remote Desktop▲傳說對折啦!(source:爆廢公社下同) 玩遊戲呢,不怕神一般的斷手,就怕豬一般的隊友!每次遇到拖累自己的隊友時總是氣到不知道如何是好!日前有一名網友po文在爆廢公社表示自己的老公因為玩遊戲《傳說對決》狂輸,終於火山爆發竟然將自己的三星Galaxy J3給硬生生地「對折」! 沒想到遊戲公司的小編My name is Olof Mases, program manager on the Remote Desktop Virtualization team, and I am excited to announce, in addition to the General Availability of Windows Server 2012 R2, that our Remote Desktop apps for iOS, Mac OS X, and Android are now ......