mac os x 64 bit

Mac OS X Snow Leopard - 維基百科,自由的百科全書   玩到這個版本的超級瑪莉,應該會很無言!開發者相關技術 [編輯] 64位元構架 [編輯] Mac OS X v10.4在支援64位元的機種上增加了有限的64位元應用程式支援;Mac OS X v10.5將64位元應用程式支援擴充功能到了大多數Mac OS X的庫和框架上。 Mac OS X 10.6中,絕大多數內建的應用程式都已經重新編譯以 ......


Mac OS X Snow Leopard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia^*Amit Singh has reported that the early 2009 Mac Mini and MacBook may be capable of running the 64-bit kernel; however, Apple has set these models to boot into the 32-bit kernel. With some tweaking, the Unibody MacBook can be set to boot the 64-bit kerne...


How to tell if you’re running the 32 bit or 64 bit kernel in Mac OS X Snow Leopard工作量太大啦~~~QQ How to tell if you’re running the 32 bit or 64 bit kernel in Mac OS X Snow Leopard ... Actually, all Macs except for the Xserve default to the 32bit kernel. This is justified since the Xserve is a specialized piece of equipment where you can be sure all d...


OS X - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia老闆!我要一份雞瓜...呱! OS X is the tenth major version of Apple's operating system for Macintosh computers. Previous Macintosh operating systems were named using Arabic numerals, e.g. Mac OS 8 and Mac OS 9. The letter X in OS X's name refers to the number 10, a Roman numeral....


Mac - Apple對不起!我真的無法接受你啊~~     哈哈哈哈哈!!OS X is the operating system that powers everything you do on a Mac. With OS X El Capitan, it’s simple to do amazing things and delightful to do all the everyday things. And it works seamlessly with your apps and iOS devices. Learn more...


VideoLAN - Official Download of VLC media player for Mac OS X想必近距離觀賞的靜香應該受到不少打擊... Official Download of VLC media player for Mac OS X ... VLC is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files as well as DVDs, Audio CDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols....
